
Numeri Democratici

Grazie al blog 2008 Democratic Convention Watch riusciamo ad avere, in una unica tabella tutti i numeri che ci servono:

Total Delegates Eligible to Vote
w/o FL & MI with FL & MI
Pledged 3253 3566
Superdelegates 796 850
Total 4049 4416
Needed to Win Nomination 2025.0 2208.5
Total Delegates Left
Delegates in States Yet to Vote 566 566
Delegates Yet to be allocated 39 39
Superdelegates Yet to Endorse 343 377
Total 948 982
Candidates' Information
Clinton - Popular Vote (GP) 12,539,263 13,728,781
Obama - Popular Vote (GP) 13,229,832 13,801,165
Popular Vote Lead Obama(712,034) Obama(90,849)
Clinton - Delegates Needed 542.0 532.0
Obama - Delegates Needed 433.0 544.5
Clinton - Percentage needed 57% 54%
Obama - Percentage needed 46% 55%
Last Updated: 3/11/2008 11:30 PM

La colonna da tenere presente è quella w/o FL & MI, cioè senza il voto di Florida e Michigan.

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